

Our team brings expansive experience , having a proven and immensely positive track record of investing into markeplace lending since 2017. From 2020 onward this experience is gathered under the Anthedon brand, to create a revolutionary investment opportunity. The marketplace lending market has known an ongoing strong growth for over a decade and now fields hundreds of loan originators. With our technology we make it possible to gather the massive amounts of data generated by this market and to process it analytically. This enables us to offer an investment vehicle which is truly diversified and effectively manages to hedge any risks.
For us transparency is paramount.We aim to offer our investors a hassle free investing experience into marketplace lending, while offering them an unprecedented amount of transparency. This is made possible due to our digital platform, which allows investors to follow the development of our investments down to an individual level.


Best lending tech for investors

We have access to a perfected technological approach and posses a profound knowledge of the marketplace Lending sector. Our technology allows us to offer investors low-risk, hassle free investment opportunities with stable returns in the field of marketplace lending.

Best aggregation and selection in Marketplace Lending

Data is our fuel - We are able to react quickly to changing market conditions thanks to our access to daily collection, standardization and analysis of loan data. The technology we use is constantly comparing a myriad of loan originators and individual loans. This enables us not only to achieve great returns and yield, but also helps hedge our risks tremendously.

Best comprehensive access to Marketplace lending as an investment tool

With transparency as one of our main goals we designed a platform that gives investors an unprecedented insight into their invested assets to further their trust into our methods. Our data driven approach manages to reduce the complexities to this market into an easy to understand package with massive advantages for investors.